Will Provera Start My Period if Im Pregnant

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Provera Drug Usage and Side Effects: Ovulation and Menstruation

  • What Is Provera?
  • Other Uses of Provera
  • Provera for Stimulating Ovulation
  • Who Should Stay Away from Provera?
  • Side Effects of Provera

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Many women face trouble in getting their period regularly, and this could be a result of a multitude of reasons. Depending on the problems you're facing, and after a complete check-up, your doctor will recommend a course of action to help regulate your menstrual cycle. Women who suffer from irregular periods are sometimes prescribed a drug known as Provera for regularising the monthly cycles and menstrual bleeding. It also plays a role in contributing to ovulation. However, it may have certain side-effects that need to be taken into account.

Provera aids in controlling the menstrual cycle and ovulation, and this involves the release of eggs from the ovaries every month. It also prepares the womb lining for pregnancy and then sheds it when pregnancy does not take place (the process of monthly periods).

What Is Provera?

It is a drug that comprisesMedroxyprogesterone Acetate, which is a kind of synthetic progesterone. The main purpose of this drug is to decrease heavy menstrual bleeding and cause withdrawal bleeding after stopping it. In fact, progesterone is one of the major female hormones that keep the menstruation cycle and ovulation in check during the childbearing years. Naturally produced progesterone in women also reduces the probability of endometrial Hyperplasia (a state that results in Uterine Cancer) while taking oestrogenic hormones.

Other Uses of Provera

Medroxyprogesterone also obstructs overgrowth in the uterus lining of postmenopausal women who are going through Oestrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT). As a result, reducing the risk of endometrial cancer. Doctors also prescribe it for breast cancer treatment, alone or in combination with other cancer medications.

Provera for Stimulating Ovulation

Provera is usually prescribed for ten days to women who are trying to get pregnant but do not ovulate regularly. It causes an artificial period to start, after which the fertility drug called Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) can be taken. Clomid is usually started on the third, fourth or fifth day of the menstrual cycle to promote ovulation. However, one needs to remember that Provera is not some magic pill that can solve all your fertility woes. In fact, overdoing on the Provera therapy can prove to be a hindrance in ovulation and pregnancy, as the forcefully triggered periods can cause thinning of the uterine lining. Provera should be strictly avoided during the months when you suspect a pregnancy.

WATCH: Provera for Birth Control

Who Should Stay Away from Provera?

Women should avoid taking Provera in the following conditions:

  • If you have a liver condition.
  • If there is some kind of undiagnosed vaginal bleeding.
  • If you had or have breast cancer.
  • If you have a blood clotting disorder.
  • If you have lost your vision because of a blood vessel disease in the eyes.
  • If you are suffering from frequent episodes of Epilepsy.
  • If you have asthma.
  • If your cholesterol levels are high.

Who Should Stay Away from Provera?

Side Effects of Provera

Following are the side effects of taking Provera, that you may experience:

  • You may start feeling dizzy.
  • There might be constant fluctuations in menstruation.
  • Your exposed skin may show brown spots.
  • Your breasts may become tender and start to hurt.
  • You may experience hot flashes.
  • There might be a sudden appearance of acne on your body.
  • You may have constant, mild headaches.
  • You may feel of nauseous.
  • Changes in weight, you may start gaining or losing too much weight.

There are various things a doctor has to consider before recommending a course of action. So, visit a doctor and get your Provera medicine prescribed, but only after the doctor has checked if you are fit to take it. Like all medicines, Provera also has to be used in moderation and for a limited time. Do not self-prescribe any hormone-altering drugs as they will only cause complications in conceiving and pregnancy.

Will Provera Start My Period if Im Pregnant

Source: https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/provera-drug-usage-and-side-effects-ovulation-and-menstruation/

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