No Mans Sky Upload All Not Working

The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The data from this article is is up-to-appointment as of 10 June, 2020.

Flora scan.jpg

Flora is scannable establish life.


  • 1 Summary
  • ii Scan Data
    • 2.i Establish Age
    • two.two Institute Roots
    • 2.3 Establish Nutrient
      • 2.3.1 Constitute Food - Weird
    • two.4 Plant Notes
      • Constitute Notes - Weird
    • two.5 Principal Element
    • two.6 Secondary Element
  • iii Rarity
  • 4 Flora types
  • v Additional information
  • 6 Gallery
  • seven References

Summary [ ]

Flora is the procedurally generated, scannable plant life occurring on a planet in No Man's Sky. Grass is generally considered backdrop and not part of the scannable flora. On many toxic and radioactive planets, small mushrooms may take the identify of grass and are as well unscannable. The type of plant life depends upon what kind of planet the flora is living on.

Well-nigh species can exist mined using the Multi-tool for Carbon and some species can be picked for special elements. The scanner will bespeak which resource you volition go. For a listing of plants containing special elements encounter resource,

Flora can be renamed and uploaded for Nanite Clusters. There is no indication how many unlike flora species are on a planet and scanning them does non count towards completing zoology efforts.

Some flora is hazardous and will hurt the histrion if they step too shut.

Browse Data [ ]

The properties of the plant are procedurally generated terms and don't have an outcome on the gameplay, aside from Primary Element and Secondary Element. Note that Age, Principal Element, and Secondary Chemical element cannot be viewed in the Discoveries.

Oxygen, Sodium, and Deuterium Rich Plants can be scanned; just do information technology before collecting the resources.

  • Age: Establish Age
  • Root Structure: Plant Roots
  • Nutrient Source: Plant Nutrient
  • Notes: Plant Notes
  • Primary Element
  • Secondary Element

The bolded texts above are defined in the game file, the sequence is taken from in that location equally well.

Plant Age [ ]

  1. Ancient
  2. One-time
  3. Timeless
  4. Millenia
  5. Fresh
  6. Sproutling
  7. Sapling
  8. Young
  9. Decades
  10. Moderate
  11. Seasoned
  12. Juvenile
  13. Fully Grown
  14. Youthful
  15. Advanced
  16. Unknown
  17. Indeterminate
  18. Regenerating
  19. Perpetual
  20. Cyclical
  21. Mature
  22. Centuries
  23. Several Days
  24. Still Growing
  25. Infant
  26. Young
  27. Fully Developed
  28. Dying

Plant Roots [ ]

  1. Complex
  2. Fractal
  3. Widespread
  4. Stunted
  5. Swamped
  6. Desiccated
  7. Extensive
  8. Concentrated
  9. Symbiotic
  10. Fungal
  11. Localised
  12. Bi-directional
  13. Many-Limbed
  14. Gravitational
  15. Unsupported
  16. Inorganic
  17. Pregnant
  18. Efficient
  19. Far Reaching
  20. Capacious
  21. Express
  22. Narrow
  23. Restricted
  24. Parasitic
  25. Invasive
  26. Extendable
  27. Voluminous
  28. Global
  29. Knotted
  30. Linear
  31. Branching
  32. Substantial
  33. Conventional
  34. Circular
  35. Independent
  36. Sentient
  37. Heat Seeking
  38. Simple
  39. Regular
  40. Polygonal
  41. Non Present
  42. Hidden
  43. Balanced
  44. Omni-Directional
  45. Irregular
  46. Transferrable
  47. Mobile
  48. Birdbrained
  49. Unfathomable
  50. Grasping

Establish Food [ ]

  1. Decomposition
  2. Fungal Harvest
  3. Air Leaching
  4. Radiotrophic
  5. Free Radicals
  6. Autotrophic
  7. Parasitic Leaching
  8. Infrared Radiation
  9. Entrapment
  10. Agreeableness
  11. Atmospheric Moisture
  12. Osmosis
  13. Lost Insects
  14. Gas Clouds
  15. Heavy Rain
  16. Electron Donors
  17. Fungal Symbiosis
  18. Membrane Compression
  19. Nitrogen Fixation
  20. Carbon Assimilation
  21. Soil Recycling
  22. Radio Waves
  23. Meditation
  24. Fungal Reclamation
  25. Proton Recycling
  26. Table salt Fusion
  27. Soil Leaner
  28. Natural Carbon
  29. Buried Treasure
  30. Cached Carbon
  31. Cached Nitrogen
  32. Hugger-mugger Bubbles
  33. Moonlight
  34. Sunlight
  35. Ultraviolet Radiation
  36. Gamma Rays
  37. Sublimated Nitrogen
  38. Rock Enzymes
  39. Cannibal Roots
  40. Fermented Corpses
  41. Aerobic Digestion
  42. Anaerobic Digestion
  43. Theft
  44. Cosmic Radiations
  45. Heat Recycling
  46. Geological Free energy
  47. Thermal Capture
  48. Liquid Ammonia
  49. Other Plants
  50. External Maintenance
  51. Photosynthesis

Plant Food - Weird [ ]

  1. Gravitational Waves
  2. Devious Particles
  3. Time Threads
  4. Lost Travellers
  5. [UNKNOWN]
  6. [NOT Determined]
  7. Predatory
  8. Self-Sustaining
  9. The Unfortunate
  10. The Lost
  11. Doomed Wanderers
  12. Non-existent Insects
  13. Dissonant Nutrients
  14. Heavy Metals
  15. Stardust
  16. Feeds on Failure
  17. Dark Affair
  18. Dark Energy
  19. Time Bubbles
  20. Synthesised from Burn

Found Notes [ ]

  1. Mono-Seasonal
  2. Sensitive to Light
  3. Potentially Medicinal
  4. Hollow
  5. Insect Dwelling house
  6. Toxic Bark
  7. Bitter Stems
  8. Unpollinated
  9. Bioluminescent
  10. Succulent Tubers
  11. Waxy Fruit
  12. Infrequent Flowering
  13. Edible Seeds
  14. Inconsistent Blossom
  15. Inedible Petals
  16. Pungent
  17. Nocturnal Pollinators
  18. Parasite Host
  19. Omni-Seasonal
  20. Bi-Seasonal
  21. Caustic Sap
  22. Psychotropic Leaves
  23. Hallucogenic Bark
  24. Extendible Fronds
  25. Stinging Hairs
  26. Annual Spore Clouds
  27. Sentient Fruit
  28. Hidden Tentacles
  29. Itchy Pollen
  30. Hypnotic Perfume
  31. Calming Scent
  32. Pheromone Sacs
  33. Translucent Nuts
  34. Crepuscular Fruit
  35. Self-Healing Bark
  36. Delicate Stems
  37. Irresistible Seeds
  38. Wailing Roots
  39. Umbral Sprouts
  40. Motility Prone
  41. Airborne Seeds
  42. Multicolour Wood
  43. Photosensitive Tendrils
  44. Iridescent Seed Pods
  45. Retractable Fronds
  46. Metallic Nodules
  47. Partially Developed Optics
  48. Sneaky
  49. Whispering Leaves
  50. Haunted Nests
  51. Nesting Moths
  52. Unripe Fruit
  53. Inner Beauty
  54. Hibernating
  55. Biologically Inert
  56. Self-Pollinating
  57. Inaudible
  58. Frost Resistant
  59. Carbon Dense
  60. Succulent
  61. Proto-Skeletal
  62. Ticklish Stamen
  63. Four Dimensional
  64. Ocular Irritant
  65. Mist-Based Defences
  66. Cloud Generator
  67. Pharmacologically Active
  68. Altitude Tolerant
  69. Drought Resistant
  70. Tidal Sap
  71. Easily Startled
  72. Meaty Roots
  73. True Neutral
  74. All Colours
  75. Blight Resistant
  76. Water Laden
  77. Durable Fruit
  78. Wind-Diddled Seeds
  79. Mobile
  80. Genetically Diverse
  81. Cloned
  82. Chop-chop Mutating
  83. Faintly Singing
  84. Pleasing Odor
  85. Slowly Rotting
  86. Extremely Poisonous
  87. High Metal Content
  88. Liquidises Soil
  89. Loftier Internal Pressure
  90. Unstable Fruit
  91. Covered in Tiny Eggs
  92. Aggressive
  93. Gilt Sap
  94. Flakey Blanket
  95. Suspicious Scent
  96. Vigorous
  97. Hydrophilic
  98. Ericaceous
  99. Calcifuge
  100. Calcicole
  101. Odourless
  102. Spongy Coating
  103. Parasitic Leaves
  104. Tiny Hairs
  105. Sticky Coating
  106. Nanite Sap
  107. Water Resistant
  108. Choking Scent
  109. Flowers Once
  110. Infectious Spores
  111. Hive Heed
  112. Extraterrestrial
  113. Migratory
  114. Perennial
  115. Self-Propagating
  116. Rapid Reproduction
  117. Self-Replicating
  118. Slow Growing
  119. Fragile Stems
  120. Fragile Flowers
  121. Paralysing Spores
  122. Neurotoxic Pollen
  123. Oily Seeds
  124. Stinging Fruit
  125. Crimson Seeds
  126. Fireproof Nuts
  127. Crystalline Flowers
  128. Shadow Petals
  129. Combustible Fruit
  130. Glasslike Seeds
  131. Fragile Bulbs
  132. Mouldy Bulbs
  133. Semi-Liquid Bulbs
  134. Luminous Bulbs
  135. Glowing Tubers
  136. Spreading Tubers
  137. Toxic Thorns
  138. Launchable Thorns
  139. Invisible Bristles
  140. Internal Branches

Constitute Notes - Weird [ ]

  1. Inaudible Singing
  2. Haunted Roots
  3. Internal Teeth
  4. Fungal Soul
  5. Must Non Be Touched
  6. Favoured by Atlas
  7. Enraged at Fate
  8. Doomed
  9. Lost in Fourth dimension
  10. Already Dying
  11. Hungry for Stars
  12. Thirsting for Glass
  13. Howls When Lone
  14. Unbound Seeds
  15. Rooted in the Beyond
  16. Yearning
  17. Blood Sap
  18. Crimson Spores
  19. Infinite Branches
  20. Complex Nervous System
  21. Partially Skeletal
  22. Sees in the Nighttime
  23. Lone
  24. Searching for a Host
  25. Nightstalker
  26. Sap Binds Permanently
  27. Roots tin Talk
  28. Decentralised Mind
  29. Senses Across the Soil
  30. Longs to be Consumed
  31. Tin can Sense Yous
  32. Lacks Spirit
  33. Invasive
  34. Searches For The Light
  35. Diseased
  36. [Breach Bespeak]
  37. [Purlieus FAILURE]

Primary Element [ ]

This is the main chemical element that the plant will give the player when mined. This element is usually Carbon. Primary Chemical element cannot be viewed in a species's collection logs.

Secondary Element [ ]

Some plants volition requite the histrion a small corporeality of a 2d chemical element when mined. Secondary Element cannot exist viewed in a species'due south collection logs.

Rarity [ ]

Note: This information is unverified in the NEXT update.

The upload of discovered flora is rewarded with units depending on rarity.

  • Common, 500 Units

Flora types [ ]

Almost of the flora tin be generally classified into six major types:

  • "Mushroom" type
  • "Seedling blossom" type
  • "Tree" type
  • "Fern" type
  • "Coral Fan" type
  • "Chancy" type

Most flora-existent planets have variations of the major types, either in size, shapes, colours or details. Many take variations of the same type on the same planet.

Additional data [ ]

  • According to original estimates from Sean Murray, life, mainly plants, would be expected on roughly one out of ten planets and larger creatures on one planet in a hundred.[1] This has turned out to exist woefully brusque of reality.
  • The plant's properties generation are extracted from the 1.77 version of NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH.MBIN game file.
  • A template for uploading flora tin be found hither.
  • Due to a issues (probably) on many planets and moons the same proper name (including properties) is chosen automatically for dissimilar flora species. The pattern is always the same: Specific names are given twice (rarely more) and information technology's always a big (similar a tree) and a modest kind of plant. This phenomenon is most oftentimes seen in lush, frozen and toxic biome planets (moons). Flora species affected by this glitch have been termed Dimorphic Flora.
  • Many planets with the Mega Exotic biome contain mega-flora that tin can be both scanned with the Assay Visor and harvested with a Mining Beam. Research on this blazon of flora tin be found on the Mega Flora Botanical Research folio.

Gallery [ ]

References [ ]

  1. Rougeau, Michael (10 January 2015). Not even the guys who coded No Homo's Sky know what will happen when they play. Digital Trends. Retrieved nineteen May 2016.


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